January 4, 2007
A quick post from the 7th floor--our old stomping grounds....
AFP = 3.4
That is just fine! Saw Dr. Rahdi and he has looked at the scans already. They look good, too. Hemoglobin is 13, platelets are normal. I must say I am quite happy!!!! We had the scan and went to the clinic knowing our blood work results would be back. Dr. Rahdi called them up on the screen and looked right to the AFP-the one number we are interested in. So, the past few months her AFP has gone from 3.6 to 3.5 and now to 3.4. We like this trend and hope it continues.
Leah is busy picking on James and seeing a few of our nurses. I can honestly say I am not thrilled to be here again, but it is OK as a visitor. The next stop is the Olive Garden and then Leah thinks we are going to the consignment shop. She still has not eaten today aside from the barium drink for her CT. This was her first time having a peripheral IV--slightly traumatic because they blew the first vein they tried so she has a nice bruise. This also prompted her to sob for them to stop. If that had not happened there may not have been any tears at all.
Leah has now arrived from her torturing of James and is ready to go eat. I may post later on from home, but for now, we are looking forward to being away from Iowa City for another cancer free month. We praise God for Leah's good health and for friends and family who continue to pray for her as well. We do not take a moment of these happy times for granted.
oh yeah. i have been waiting for her results... praise the lord!!!!!! we still have leah's name on our church prayer list every sunday!!!
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