Postponed til next week
This week has been incredibly frustrating at our house. Chris and I spent all weekend sick at home. Whatever bug has been going around it has found our family. We both had some sort of fever, aches, chills and cough that persisted. I ended up missing Suzanne's bridal shower in Des Moines that Leah went to with my parents. Chloe has acted like she doesn't feel great, but has kept on going to school (on Friday 14 out of 24 kids were absent in her room). Chris and I both stayed home from work on Monday and thought we were recovering when Reeve started vomiting on Monday night. She kept that up through yesterday. This morning Leah got up with the same type of symptoms as Chris and I have had. So.....I rescheduled her Iowa City appt. for next Thursday. I hate postponing the trip and it just keeps me worrying for longer, but I don't want to take her down if she is sick---I am not sure how her lab results would look, and she also doesn't need to spread her germs all over the clinic where the kids have compromised immune systems. And, the day is long enough already without going there with a sick kid. So, right now Leah and Reeve are watching TV, Chloe is at midweek at church and Chris is at a Lenten service. We will just get to enjoy one more week of normal life and hope that we can all get healthy. Thanks for checking in and all the prayers for Leah's complete healing on earth.
As always, I pray that Leah's appt. goes well for you in Iowa City. Hopefully the bugs are all gone at the Ristau house and you're all on the mend. Who is Leah going to be taking piano lesson from? Sam started this January, and he is loving them! : ) I bet Chris was pumped about the Knight's victory! Was he able to go on Saturday to watch them in CR? Amy
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