Wednesday, January 04, 2006

January 4, 2006

No news is good news, I guess, and today I have little to report. It is late and I have not packed for Iowa City tomorrow. We leave at 5:30 AM, and it should just be a day trip. However, they have told us to always pack for overnight just in case. That would be a huge bummer because Leah has a visit to Prairie Lights planned out and maybe even the mall. I tried to tell her we could go to a fun restaurant that was really good-she insisted on McDonalds when she heard that idea. Leah was tired tonight by 8:30, but ran around more than she has in quite a while. I still would not characterize her appetite as good, but she ate as much spaghetti from a Kids Cuisine frozen meal for supper as she did all day the last time she had one. She also had a little bit of a Dairy Queen Blizzard (thank goodness there is one directly across from my school), half a grilled cheese sandwich, and half a container of yogurt. She also had two cups of whole milk, so even though I thought she looked verrrrry skinny while she took a bath-think chicken legs-she is eating.

She and Grandma Karen worked on some different projects: finger painting with pudding, practicing lacing, taking the Christmas ornaments off of the tree. They seem to be getting along well. I enjoy the fact that the house is picked up when I come home. Of course it is destroyed after the girls, Chris, and I spend an evening at home, and I am sure when Grandma arrives in the morning she wonders what in the world is going on at our house.

Tomorrow we will get her blood levels. I am concerned about them all, but especially am praying her AFP has taken another dramatic hit and decreased significantly. Please include Leah in your prayers once again - for a decrease in her AFP and for a positive doctor's report as they continue to monitor her progress.


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