Thursday, July 02, 2009

Summer Highlights...Appointment Next Week

Summer is underway! Finally! I still am wearing pants and a sweatshirt today, but there's not much I can do about that. I loved the heat a few weeks ago; it can return any time.
The girls were out of school on June 1, but I went until June 9. I can't believe the 4th of July is already here....after that summer goes even faster.
Highlights so far:
* Leah spent 3 days at Pine Lake Christian Camp in Eldora with her friend Emily
* Reeve chipped her two front teeth while playing with my car keys and hitting herself in the mouth
* My grandma (who the girls refer to as GG) passed away on June 17 at age 93
* Leah spent a week attending a Science and Math enrichment program at Price Lab in Cedar Falls
* Leah and Chloe took swimming lessons at the W at Wartburg
* Leah, Chloe, my mom and I went to Boone and took a train ride
* We have been to the Falls on our hot days to play in the pool and get tan
* Leah made a last minute decision and decided to play coach pitch ball this summer. She learned a lot and even had fun!
* VBS is coming up in a week
* We are going to Adventureland with friends on Monday

Leah's appointment, originally scheduled for June 11, was postponed until June 18. That was the same week Leah was going to Price Lab, so I asked to reschedule for the 25th. Unfortunately Dr. Radhi didn't have anything available until July 9. So, Leah's appointment is next week. This is the longest we have gone between visits, so I am starting to get a bit tense. Even though things seem OK, we know from other people, that it doesn't mean things are OK. UGH. The bad news we also found out from Iowa City is that Dr. Radhi is leaving to go to Kansas City. This will be her last appointment with him. I have read on many other caring bridge sites about doctors leaving and the sense of abandonment families feel. I can totally relate. I have actually spent a few sleepless nights thinking about this. I just can't envision an Iowa City visit without him. We have trusted him with our child's life and he totally understands her, the situation, and us and where we are coming from. So, we are rather sad already about not gettting to see him, and even though we will still email him and call him, it just won't be the same.
Thanks for checking in on us. Please pray for a low AFP, higher platelets, and for Leah to have grown a bit height-wise. I will post again after our appointment on Thursday.


Blogger Amy Flege said...

praying for good numbers! i am sure they will be great! sounds like you guys are having a very busy summer like us!! take care!

10:28 PM  

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