April 12, 2007
AFP = 2.3
We left today for Iowa City at 5:30 AM so that Leah could have an IV put in by the Peds. clinic before our 8:00 appointment for her CT scan. After we had that accomplished (Leah did an EXCELLENT job) we checked in for her scan, received the barium drink (another EXCELLENT job guzzling the drink by Leah), and headed back to see Dr. Rahdi. He checked her over and told us to come back after the scan to have him go over her bloodwork with us.
The scan itself was only a few minutes long. Leah was starving by this point, so she quickly ate a granola bar I had brought along while the nurse was removing the IV afterwards. Dr. Rahdi was happy to report her AFP number - 2.3- which is down slightly from 2.5 last month. He also went up to CT then to look at the scans with the head radiologist. While there is no final reading, both Dr. Rahdi and the radiologist saw nothing in their initial time looking at them, and don't expect to see anything. The AFP number would be rising if there were something there. Leah's other numbers we are always interested in are her hemoglobin - now at 13.7 and her platelets which are 290 (both are normal again!).
The rest of our day consisted of a stop at Coral Ridge Mall for some shopping, lunch at the Olive Garden as soon as it opened because both of us were hungry, and a trip to the consignment shop. Leah does a great job spending money, and told me that we would not be telling Chris much about this because he has us on shopping probation. After all of this Leah was very ready to take a nap while I drove home. These are long days for her when they start so early. However, as I type Leah has revived herself and is throwing in more laundry. We have limited her to one load per day and that is the first thing she wants to do when we are home.
We are so grateful to have another month to enjoy spending time together- and hopefully some warmer weather. Each and every day is truly a gift. Someday soon I will post new pictures so you can see how much longer Leah's hair is getting. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Leah.
So glad to hear that the check-up went well, especially given there was a poke involved!! James and I agreed that we were very disappointed you didn't find your way up to the 7th floor to see us, but we'll forgive you this time since the appointment had such an awesome outcome!:)
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