September 27, 2007
AFP= 2.9 YAY!!!!
We are done visiting Dr. Rahdi for the month. Right now we are visiting with Lis at her apartment in Iowa City before she leaves for class. On our agenda for the day is shopping at the mall, eating at Olive Garden, stopping at Prairie Lights book store, and going to the consignment shop. Should be a fun and busy day. I talked to Nita about Leah's bloodwork--which was only the AFP. Her next visit which includes a CT scan is November 29- the week after Thanksgiving. Two years ago this coming Thanksgiving was Leah's date of diagnosis. Leah has also managed to grow an inch - she is now 41 inches and gain a pound.
So, life is good. Things are busy. Last night Leah had cheerleading practice because she will be performing at the football game tomorrow night. She and Chloe also had midweek/Bible class/Sunday school at church last night. They both love it. Tonight is Chloe's story hour at the public library. The most exciting things coming up are Chloe's 4th birthday on October 18, going to Kids Bop in concert in CR on October 24 and seeing Annie at the Gallagher Bluedorn in November. Leah has also decided she would like to go bowling and try that out. Our summer vacation plans of going to Chicago fell through in August so a trip on a weekend is sounding kind of fun, too.
Thanks for checking in and praying for us. I know I keep promising to post a new picture of Leah someday-and it will happen. I am still without my cord -lost since we moved at the end of February. Any day now I will break down and just go buy a new one.