Thursday, January 20, 2011

All's Well

AFP - 2.8

So, the AFP is up a little again. They- Leah's doctor and the PA there- are most definitely not worried. This time I haven't been as worked up when I see the number 2.8. Yes, I would like it to be lower. But, all her other labs were fabulous. Both her platelets and hemoglobin were higher than the last time. Her echocardiogram they do to monitor her heart function was also good. We don't have to go back for six more months.

The weather cooperated today, with the only not-so-good driving occurring during the last 30 minutes of the trip when I got off the interstate and took country roads/highways back to Denver. It is blowing quite nicely right now. We shopped a bit and ate lunch at the Olive Garden. Now we are all home and since there are a few people who haven't had enough sleep we might soon be spending some quiet time in our bedrooms.

Dance Marathon is just a few weeks away. This will be our sixth one! I'm not sure if I should be excited about that, but the girls LOVE it. Leah is also attending a music camp on a Saturday in February at Wartburg College. Just yesterday she started the SOAR program at school, which is an enrichment program that meets once a week. There focus is on architecture so she has been busy telling me all about the Eiffel Tower.

The bridal show on Sunday was fun. There was a lot of waiting around, so I am not sure if Leah is wanting to do this again, but it was a new experience for her. The pictures I'm posting are from that. I think her hair looks beautiful.

Hopefully life will continue to be boring and normal. I can hardly wait for spring! Thanks for checking in and continuing to keep Leah in your prayers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011

How can six months possibly fly by so quickly? Leah is scheduled for her check-up this Thursday. In addition to her blood draw, she will also have an EKG, which is a routine procedure every couple of years. I broke the bad news about an Iowa City visit a while ago, but Leah must have forgotten because today when I told her about Thursday she was most definitely not very happy. Things appear to be fine, but I am starting to get worried. I would like to think that at 4 1/2 years out I could breathe easy, but I don't think that's possible. And right now life seems so busy that it seems hard to even sit and think about cancer and treatment for too long. This time of year is when Leah was undergoing treatment five years ago, so there are certain memories that are triggered just because we went through all of this in the winter.
Tomorrow Leah is modeling in a bridal show in Waterloo. She was asked to do this along with other Make A Wish children. While Leah doesn't really enjoy being the center of attention and had to be coerced to do this, Chloe was wishing she would have been asked. Pretty much all of tomorrow will be taken up with dress rehearsal, hair appointment and the actual show. I hope I can get some good pictures of her.
While I no longer update this site very frequently, I will try to post pictures and I will definitely update after Thursday's appointment. Thanks for checking in and your continued prayers.