April 29, 2007
The weather is beautiful and it feels more like summer today than spring! We are loving every minute of it. Things have been going along well for us. We have enjoyed having a few weeks of "normal" life-no snow days, school for Chris in Grinnell, conferences, etc. The school year is winding down, at least I am counting down, anyway. Leah's graduation ceremony is on May 10, and her day to visit kindergarten is tomorrow.
This past weekend Chris and I took Leah and Chloe to Minneapolis for a night at a hotel and swimming in the pool and then Saturday morning to the Mall of America and lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. On the way home we stopped off at the outlet mall in Medford. Today we are recovering-the girls were up very early yesterday and were so excited on Friday they got little sleep. Chris has mowed our lawn for the first time and it is so nice out that no one wants to be indoors.
There is really little to report aside from the everyday events we now look forward to and continue to enjoy. Leah's next appointment is on May 17 for an AFP draw. UGH! So, please keep sending your prayers for a low AFP and another great check-up. As I was looking ahead in my devotion book I noticed that May 17 is Ascension Day.....
This week Chris and I will be participating in a run to honor Megan Koepke who lost her battle to histiocytosis on February 2. The run will take place in Waverly after school for her junior high friends to participate as well. The profits go to the Heart Connection Camp for children with cancer and their siblings. Last week I insisted on running for a long time on the treadmill despite Chris telling me not to since my foot has been hurting. By the time I was done it was really hurting and still hurts even when I walk a week later. So, I am hoping that I can manage the three mile course. And speaking of running, Chris participated in a mud run in Hudson a few weekends ago with James, Leahs' nurse assistant. We took Grandma Kathy to watch and were not disappointed. It was muddy AND wet AND cold. They crossed a creek 14 times. And, in typical Chris style, he did not bring clothes to change into. We would have enjoyed visiting with James longer, but he was just too cold and too wet to want to hang out with us.
I am trying to post pictures, but without success. Our computer at home is in need of being replaced so I have put some pictures on my parents' computer but am not having luck getting them on the blog. In fact, it has been so long since I blogged I couldn't even access the site!
Thanks for continuing to check in on us, and please continue to keep Leah in your prayers.