Change of Plans
Well, it turns out we won't be going to Iowa City after all tomorrow. Leah threw up at school this afternoon, so I called to reschedule her appointment. There are some pros and cons to this. This means I can worry longer - and psychoanalyze everything for longer, too. But since her appointments have normally been scheduled 9 weeks apart and this time there were only 8 weeks between appointments, I am trying to content myself with the idea that waiting until April 10 (which is when we are tentatively setting up a CT and check-up with Dr. Rahdi) is only one more week than we have normally been waiting. Of course we are praying that this appointment is routine and then we wouldn't go to Iowa City again until after school lets out for us both - and that would be nice as well.
The annoying thing is that I was totally convinced when the secretary at school called to tell me about Leah throwing up that she had the stomach flu. She had hardly eaten for the past two days, which is how Reeve's flu started. I had even quizzed Leah about this yesterday and asked if her stomach felt OK. When I got to school she seemed mildly sick, but she seems perfectly fine now. I almost hope she throws up again sometime now because I am feeling so guilty about changing her appointment.
Dr. Rahdi and I talked while I was driving from Waterloo to Denver and discussed the fact that she could wait to be seen for a few more weeks. Taking he rto Iowa City to a clinic where there are many immuno-supressed kids wouldn't not be appreciated by anyone. So, I guess that is the plan. I can lose sleep for several more days and hope that everyone can pray for a routine check-up for a few more weeks.
We'll continue to enjoy our spring and keep hoping for warmer weather.